
Text from Cooldy - English

  • III.Immigration (third part)

    • III.Immigration (third part) (Hi everyone, please pay attention to this text, it's really important for me :) I'd like to thank you if you could able to correct it, I'd really appreciate it,It's for an important oral exam.) But all the immigrants cannot be satisfied by their arrival in America, sometimes their American Dream fade .
    • For exemple , we listened a document where was presented Martin's situation and Nick's one.
    • Martin arrived after his last year of high school and he had his diploma past may .
    • He really wants to have a work experience, but he can't get a job because the crisis is getting worse .
    • Some immigrants realize the American dream and others meet important difficulties.
    • For the immigrants there are various ways to be integrate in their adoptive country, like find a job, speaking english and to have a good education .
    • But certain persons are rejected.
    • For example, we saw a photo where hispanic students ( from South America) who demonstrate their discouragement and their worry.
    • A downhearted girl carried a cupboard on which she wrote " 'NOW WHAT ?' there, those are brilliant students and they risk of being expelled because they are undocumented.
    • However, some immigrants manage to realize American Dream.
    • For example, we studied an article from a newpaper about a famous writer who immigrated in United States .
    • He made a success of American Dream.
  • He came from India and had an American diploma.
    • Now, he became a well-known Writer.
    • New Americans thus aspire to the money, succes, richeness, freedom, diversity multiculturalism, opportunity, openness and dynamism but they sometimes meet difficulties and do not manage all to realize American Dream.