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  • Yes, you can Rome!

    • As commonly known, the symbol of France is today the famous "Tour Eiffel".
    • At first sight there could not be a connection between Paris and Rome, but as this report will show, in fact there is one.
    • History has taught that the celebrated Tour Eiffel was built during the universal exhibition, that took place in Paris centuries ago.
    • The success and importance this symbol has produced to the city of Paris is inestimable.
    • Equal and probably more important drawbacks there could be for Rome if it decides to host an important event like Fifa World Cup or the Olympics.
    • As recent events have shown, there is widespread agreement that Rome has not the possibilities to host an event like this.
    • It is fairly a lie, because the capital of Italy has already quite all the infrastrucutures needed and this could be the occasion to improve all its negative aspects.
    • However, there could be both positive and negative effects in short and long term.
    • As concerns the positive effects, the first benefit of this opportunity is absolutely the improvement of the transport system.
    • It is well believed that the airport system is quite well organised in Rome, but new train and bus lines could be created in order to connect the cuty centre with the stadium and sport centres.
    • The improvement of transport system will consequently facilitate the creation of new buildings, in particular a stadium and sport centres, that could be useful both in short and long term.
    • In this way, the structures created to host the event could be permanent and be used by local residents also after the competitions, despite the example of Milan' s Expo, where the structures were disassembled when the Exhibition ended.
    • In addition to this, perhaps another positive effect will be an increase in incomes from tourism, hotels, campings, restaurants, cultural activities.
    • Indeed it is commonly believed that the city of Rome is invaded by tourists during all the year, but this opportunity could contribute to attract a considerable number of visitors from all over the world.
    • As previously stated, this choice could carry with it various negative consequences.
    • Firstly, the creation of new infrastrucutures and buildings needs cospicous outcomes for Rome and for the orgnising commitee that should consider in advance all this aspects in order to avoid debts.
    • What is more, possible mafia's infiltrations in the economical activities interested in the evnt must be avoided.
    • For this reason, the hosting country is obliged to establish a permanent control system, through the army and the military forces, to prevent possible terroristic attacks.
  • To conclude, an excellent management and the cooperation of all the private and public stakeholders could make the difference in trying not to waste money.
  • Rome has all the possibilities to demonstrate its greatness, prestige, importance, beauty to the rest of the world.
    • It probably just depends on how much italians can bet on it.

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