
Text from SmartAlex - English

  • Music in a modern world

  • The two texts deal with the issue of music being underrated in our modern world.
  • As was outlined in the first text, music is everywhere, in ads, supermarkets, and most people do not pay attention to it anymore.
    • The ones who could provide us with high-quality music, professional musicians, cannot make ends meet due to lack of financial means and support from institutions.
  • They are forced to abandon music because they cannot sustain themselves.
    • Further proof of this is the fact that music is less and less taught at schools and notconsidered as important as the main subjects.
    • Yet research shows that children could benefit from learning to play an instrument, from a cognitive and behavioral point of view.
    • It would help them socialize and learn how to work in a team.
  • While both texts make a point by arguing that music is losing the sacred quality it had in the past, they are exaggerating its degrade.
    • Listening to music is still widely popular, especially with young people, and was made possible with many devices that let you take your music everywhere you go.
  • Tickets for concert venues and opera halls are always sold out, popular singers are more famous than the Pope, new groups emerge every day.
    • Music is very much alive but has taken new forms, and can now be made at home with a computer and broadcasted to a world-wide audience.
    • It has never been so easy to listen to music in all of human history.