
текст з - English

  • The crisis of trust in the police

    • The trust of people on the forces of law and order is directly proportional to the number of crimes there are in an estate.
  • In the big cities, where it's easier to witness a crime, people usually have less confidence.
    • The policemen are humans and do a special work in which they could put their life at risk.
    • For this reason a lot of them try to avoid to take any risks at expense of the success of their work.
    • And when they put on their uniform, can only see themselves as police officers first and then as person.
  • They try to maintain a distance from everyone.
    • Worse still law turn out to be inefficient in many cases even when proof of guilt is evident.
    • Certain criminals don't flinch at being arrested.They know they can get away with it even though the crimes are among the most atrocious, like the violence against children.
    • Many raped girls don't trust in justice or are frightened to report. 

Будь ласка, допоможіть відредагувати кожне речення! - English