
Texto de misangocle08022004 - English

  • Please correct this text for me. Thank you so much.

    • My facebook wrote that today is celebrate one year that Mr. Luat and Mrs. Huyen sent the first box of books to me.
    • Mr. Luat and Mrs. Huyen are in a Vietnamese family who live in the USA.
  • Long time ago, I saw some foreign books in Nguyen Van Cu books store but I couldn’t stand near them.
    • When I met she on Facebook with the program send book to Viet Nam of Q&Q Books Foundation, I sent messages to her to have some books from her but I didn’t dare to think that she won’t send any books to me because she didn’t know me.
    • But she sent to me a big box of books.
  • And I saw in Mr. Thuan’s box, there was a beautiful book about Barbie named “The class act”.
    • I sent messages to Mrs. Huyen that I like those books.
    • She told with Mr. Thuan to send that book to me when he took two boxes.
    • When the guardian of the school told me to take the box, I didn’t remember that I walked or ran and how did I open the box before my friend’s surprise.
  • I took the books carefully and took it to my friend.
  • They were surprised with the beauty of the books.
    • After that, my class spent a lot of time to read English books.
  • Dear Mr. Luat and Mrs. Huyen, I’m sitting here to watch the books in the first box of books.
  • Tomorrow, I’ll be taking a bookshelf that you bought for me and I’ll be taking those books on the first floor of the bookshelf in my public library.
    • Thank you so much for your loving and helping.

Por favor, ajude à corrigir cada sentença! - English