IrinaSablinaからのテキスト - English

  • Alternatives to Incarceration

    • In today’s world the Phrase “Alternatives to Incarceration” continues to attract both praise and criticisms from politicians, the public, and the news media, criminal justice professionals.
    • Therefore certainly be relevant to the consideration of the present topic.
    • Alternative sentencing has many benefits compared to prison.
  • If you look at this, you will see a few examples.
  • First of all it is judicial benefits.
  • In the situation where courts are unable to decide which punishment best fits a specific case, a wide array of sentencing options is the best solution.
    • Secondly it is economic benefits.
    • It is also possible for alternatives to incarceration to save money and keep government lean.
  • Federal prison and private prison solutions to crime cost over 132 billion rubles per year.
  • Other benefit is safety benefit.
  • A system alternative to incarceration is a more reasonable way to treat certain types of offenders, ensuring that their behavior improves upon their release.
    • This leads to a safer environment for everyone when these offenders return to society.
  • Some of the most popular alternatives to incarceration include probation, community service, reparations, and court-ordered addiction treatment or therapy.
  • In most regions, alternatives to incarceration are available at a judge's discretion, and are mostly reserved for non-violent offenders.
    • Take a look at this slide which illustrates some type’s alternative to incarceration.
    • There are community service and reparations are two alternatives to incarceration that help offenders make amends for the harm they have caused the community.
    • In the case of reparations, the offender may be required to pay for damages or repair damaged property or possessions of victims.
  • The use of drug and alcohol diversionary programs in certain countries as alternatives to incarceration is somewhat controversial.
    • Some experts suggest that rates of alcoholism and drug addiction might be better managed if addicts were treated as mental health patients rather than criminals, and given access to rehabilitation centers instead of jail.
  • It is interesting to consider the practice of alternative to incarceration in New York.
  • New York City, the largest city in the United States, has created important alternatives to incarceration (ATI) program.
  • Judges have the option of sending those with misdemeanors or felonies to this program instead of giving them a prison sentence.
    • The program has four categories: general population, substance abusers, women, and youth.
    • In general, the courts hear the cases of nonviolent offenders who commit low-level felonies and misdemeanors and have mental health problems.
    • In conclusion I would like to say that alternative punishment the goal of introducing alternatives to prison is not only to address the problem of overcrowding in prisons.
  • In my opinion, imprisonment does not always achieve some of its most important stated objectives.
  • Prisons only rarely rehabilitate, but they tend to further criminalize individuals.
  • There are also many health risks associated with overcrowded prisons.
  • Certainly be relevant to improve the system of alternative sanctions.
  • It is therefore essential to develop a system of punishment and to bring it to perfection.

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