fittiからのテキスト - English

  • Summary

  • Nowadays finding a job in Italy has become more difficult than in the past, because the black market has developed too much.
    • One of the sources affirms to have learnt how to make pizza in order to fulfil her dream to go abroad and find a more profitable job than the one she has in Italy.
  • Italian black market has increased especially during the recent economic crisis.
    • It concerns young people between 18-24 years old and it is concentrated in particular in the south of Italy.
    • Financial police attempts to solve the problem haven't had good results.
  • The situation is so difficult to eradicate because employers have to pay a huge number of employment taxes.
    • As a consequence they prefer not to make contracts and employ people on the black market.
    • Otherwise their profits would be spent only on fees. the journalist of the BBC news article ends stating that the situation in Italy won't change until young people won't be helped by the governement to reach their dreams.

添削の手助けをお願いします! - English