fittiからのテキスト - English

  • Summary

    • By reference to an article about a recent pool, published by Jilly Reilly on the web on the 28th of May 2012, the majority of Brits is considered to be racist.
    • The author argues that the causes of this results could be found in the country's immigration policy, in the environment and social aspects where people live in or in the life experiences that have contributed to fuel the fire against foreigners.
    • The journalist reports a study of "OnePool", stating that most of Brits consider themselves to be "White British", showing how black people are seen by the rest of the country.
    • Furthermore, data from 90 councils show that more than eighty thousands racist incidents happened in schools during the last few years.
    • Despite this, the journalist ends by giving a quotation of a "OnePool" spokesman, who maintains that "Nobody should feel an outsider in their own community".

添削の手助けをお願いします! - English