טקסט של - English

  • Job interview

  • - Good morning Mr. -Good morning Mrs. - How are you?
  • - I´m fine thanks.
  • - My name is Erika Villa.
  • Sit down please. - Thanks.
    • - What is your firsht name?
    • - My name is Christian.
  • - And last name?
  • - Carvajal Rodriguez.
    • - How old are years you?
  • - I am 29 years old.
    • - Here it says than you stadied Landscape architecture. - Yes, I do. - Where?
    • - In the Harvard University. - ¡Mmm! Well.
    • What other educative title you´ve?
    • - I´ve a socioligy diplomated.
    • - who do you live whit?
    • - I live whit my family: my wife and my daughter.
    • - What is your relation whit your family?
    • - ¡Oh it´s beautiful!
    • Beacuse they are my life and my home there is much respect.
    • - Do you understand the rusian language?
    • - I don´t understan, but I understand other languages, such as Espanish and French.
  • - What are your interests?
    • - My interests are the music, books, movie and to help that society.
    • - Have you had experience as architect?
    • - No, It´s my firsh interview as architect.
    • - why do you want this job?
    • - Because the landscape can be an artistic expression and this profetion is necessary to relate with the society.

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English