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  • Portfolio

    • Portfolio Here is the way I took to compose, record and mixing my song : - First of all, I compose my song with my own instruments (piano, guitare, drums) and then I write it down a paper - When I got all my song in acoustic version, I decided to record it in my computer.
    • For this, I used the software garageband, a microphone and an extern sound card.
    • - The first failure I had to overcome was the recording of my acoustic guitare with the microphone, I tried to mixe it for getting a better sound, but the result still did not suit me.
  • So I decided to rewrite my song on the computer using only digital instruments.
    • - The longest part was to find the good instruments and to write the scores.
    • - Finnally, when I got all my project, I added the effects on the guitare and the piano parts.
    • Then I adjusted the equaliser and harmonize the volume.

Будь ласка, допоможіть відредагувати кожне речення! - English