
текст з - English

  • Resignation

    • I inform you about my decision to resign from the post of assistant of management which I occupy in your company for 2 years.
    • My future employment(use) begins in 5 weeks.
    • My term of notice is of 4 weeks, I thus wish to leave my post on 31.03.2016.
  • I hope that it does not confuse you.
    • These years of collaboration in you quoted(esteemed) were exceptional.
    • I have learned so much from you.
    • I am grateful for the confidence which you gave to me, but I want to develop differently my professional career.
    • You can understand that I can’t refuse the opportunity of executive secretary's post at Picworth Furbishing LTD, Which(Who) offers me interesting financial perspectives and the possibility of improving my French.

Будь ласка, допоможіть відредагувати кожне речення! - English