
Tekst fra - English

  • Why should you choose us?

  • Why should you choose us?
    • Obviously: 1) We are participants of various events related to international relations 2)We see ouselves in diplomacy 3)We are sociable,responsible and brave 4)We are open to everything new 5)We love our Tatarstan and ready to represent it worthly on the international arena.

Venligst hjælp med at rette hver en sætning! - English

  • Title
  • Sætning 1
  • Sætning 2
    • Obviously: 1) We are participants of various events related to international relations 2)We see ouselves in diplomacy 3)We are sociable,responsible and brave 4)We are open to everything new 5)We love our Tatarstan and ready to represent it worthly on the international arena.
      Stem nu!
    • Obviously: ¶
      1) We are participants of various events related ¶
      to international relations ¶
      2)We see ouselves in diplomacy ¶
      3)We are sociable,responsible and brave ¶
      4)We are open to everything new ¶
      5)We love our Tatarstan and ready to represent ¶
      worthstrongly on the international arena.
    • Obviously because: ¶
      1) We are participants of various events related ¶
      to international relations
      2)We see ou
      rselves inas diplomacyts.
      3)We are sociable,responsible and brave
      4)We are open to everything new
      5)We love our Tatarstan and
      are ready to represent ¶
      it worth
      ly oin thean international arena.
    • Obviously because: ¶
      1) We are participants
      ofin various events related ¶
      to international relations ¶

      2)We see ourselves engaging in diplomacy ¶

      3)We are sociable, responsible, and brave ¶

      4)We are open to everything new ¶

      5)We love our Tatarstan and are ready to represent ¶
      it worth
      ily oin the international arena.
    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 2Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 2