
Emilie6 szövege - English

  • Oral

  • SPOT Emilie/Phoebe : Hello my dear ! How are you ?
    • Of course, I’m desesperate… Today,we are goig to talk about solidarity, charity,… blablabla.
    • It’s boooorrrriiiing !
    • So, today I’m with (trou de mémoire) Danni and Aswald… Cécile/Danni : hello everybody !
    • I’m goig to talk you about the charity « Dofe », Duke of Edingbourg Pheoboe : (interessée) This duke ? is he rich ?
    • Danni (gêné) : Yes, but our charity « Dofe » was named like this name because it’s the duke of Edinbourg in 1956, Prince Philip who created this charity… So I’m in this charity for twelve years and … Em : (coupe Céc.) Okay okay… Quickly please !
    • Aswald, explain us more about you, this Charity, DofE, and by what are you interested in ?
    • Aswald : I’m Aswald and I’m member of this charity for 10 years.
    • This charity help the people like us and get out of their addiction, because they can become better.
    • Em : What do you mean by « like us » ?
    • Have you already been addict to something ?
    • Asw : yes, I was addictive of computer and games, the charity had me get out of my solitude. Céc.
  • : I wanted to be like my friends, to be cool.
    • But now I realise that I didn't trust myself.
    • Other person give a fake self confidence with video games, shopping.... for me it was with drugs.
    • I went to prison I was already beginning my DofE… Em : Oh, I see.
    • And you Aswald, how have you known this charity ? Asw.
    • : It’s when my only friend talked me about DofE.
    • This charity helped me to get out adiction and now, I help people like I was before.
    • Em : How function your charity ?
    • How you help the other ?
  • What’s your job ?
    • You relook them ?
    • Asw : (gênée) Oh,…not really… each people who arrived in our charity can be graduate with the DofE awards for the members who success to get out their addiction.
    • Then, when they were one-self again, they help others.
    • Danni : Now I make prevention and I try to help other people like they did it to me.
    • Asw : I’m the member who recrute a new member who need help for the charity and for them.
    • Em : So, Okay… but if you haven’t salary and if you shop not, why do you this ?
    • Danni : I realise that I was a dum and I've decided to involve myself with the charity.
    • I have cleaned up my life and made in order.
    • The charity learns me courage, perseverance and persistence.
    • They give me the power to stopped the drugs and go to university.
    • It gave you a second chance !
    • Aswald : Being in a charity give us a lot of thinks of the life and valure that you can’t aquire by others way, it’s a life experience, who help us to make oneself useful.
    • The only message that we would like tell you is a hope message.