
Tekst fra - English

  • Food

    • Food Seeds, raw materials for food, meat,.. are made by robots and scientists in laboratories.
    • In my utopia they are not allowed to slaughter animals.
    • Some robots use the seeds and raw materials to agriculture.
    • When the food is ready it goes to the factoty were they packaged it and transported it to the cities and houses.
    • When someone is hungry, he has the ability to do two things (not for baby, toddler or child city) : - Or he makes his own food, (the supplies in the kitchen automatically updated) - Or he chooses what he wants to eat by simply pressing a button The Different cities 1.Baby city Baby city is a city only for babies, the caregivers are robots.
  • The babies sleep in groups in several large bedrooms (see trailer).
    • Every baby is happy and does not need his parents, the robots take care of eating, sleeping and playing.

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