
Tekst fra - English

  • Describing some actions in English

    • Today I dropped my wife off at her mom's house to spend a little time with her.
  • I picked up my motorcycle key and after that I got on my bike and started it.
  • Meanwhile my wife was opening the gates.
  • Afterwards I left the garage and waited for her to lock the gates.
  • Then she got on my bike and we left.
    • It was a roush hour but as I was by bike it was okay because it doesn't take long to get there by bike.
    • When we got to her mom's house we got off my bike and we called her.
  • She came and opened the gates.
  • I spent some time there and left.
    • On my way home I passed over some speed bumps and whenever I did I slowed down so I wouldn't damage my bike.

Venligst hjælp med at rette hver en sætning! - English