טקסט של - English


    • CHAPTER 3 Director rubbed his hands. -Super! -exclaimed.
  • Or done on purpose.
    • The fastest had already achieved their goal.
    • Her little hands were tended, unsafe, they noted, they grab, they deshojaban the illuminated pages of the books.
  • The director waited to see everyone happily busy.
  • Then he said: -Fix well.
    • The head nurse, who was standing next to a picture of the controls, the other end of the room, down a small lever.
  • There was a violent explosion.
    • It began to sound a siren increasingly acute.
  • Alarm bells were fired madly.
    • The kids are startled and broke to chillar; their faces appeared troubled horror.
  • And now - shouted the director (because the DIN was deafening), will now move on to reinforce the lesson with a small electric shock.
    • There were three men sitting on mats, with crossed legs, with nothing more than the sky above.
    • It seemed to fall upon them a rain of concomio especially on the face of one of them, the more adult.
    • Sentences is noticed to travel a few grey clouds.
    • Disrespectful to dancing for the end times, while the old clock marked the start time.
    • I turned and walked away down the Hall.
    • The images around me completely: those seconds of horror, that screen surrounded all with their beat and little Jenny, is undoubtedly wanted to produce something to its customers.
    • We went by a passageway ending blow in what appeared to be a solid surface.
  • My companion rattled off a series of short words.
    • On a pedestal that was sticking out of the wall had a larger than normal, human skull.
  • There were two men reading the Bible, in particular, the Apocalypse of Saint John.
    • I feared more to John than to the grim reaper, who would be so stupid evade those prayers?
    • Then, went to a table with two chairs, were the two talking, not necessarily between them, and forward had nine people dispersed spontaneously in benches, back to me.
  • I knew that the companion was no longer with me, but corrupted when looking back, like a normal person, to see if it was.
    • It had left, in effect, and five steps behind me saw a sliding door that is closed.
    • The long, loose tunic and the headscarf wearing gave him a frail.
  • Finally, on the third day I saw you and the surprise was moving.
  • You were so different, with so little resemblance to my childhood image of a paternal God...
    • Dreamed with a good-natured old and glasses, but you came you, with the same look you now, a man who does not change, for which age do not pass.
    • A lovely light brown sports costume you dressed and got the stairs two by two, with your youth and incomparable style.
    • Hat it had on hand, so I, with indescribable surprise, I could see your awake and radiant face and your hair full of life.
    • I got scared of the young, handsome, slender and elegant you were.
  • It is strange that in that first second you might discover that you surprised and shocked others.
  • I saw that you were two people in one: a young fiery, impulsive and adventurous, and, at the same time, in your art, an enormously serious, responsible and cultivated man.
    • Without my account I perceived something that looked after all, that had a double life, a life with an area open to the world and another in the shade, that only you know.
    • This deep ambiguity, the mystery of your existence, attracted me from the first moment, when only was thirteen years old.
  • I tried to imagine myself between the countless bodies fleshless and gathered in an attitude of AWE, but I couldn't make the credible idea.
  • The light of the Sun reflected from the windows of the apartments that overlook the East has begun to form fuzzy drawings on the facades of the buildings on the other side of the street.
    • New, articulated buses on these routes, crawl cautiously cross the city streets like giant insects.
  • Steel blinds are raised, early vans parked in a double row, men with hoses to irrigate their plots of sidewalk.
    • Homeless people sleep in goals, others rummage in garbage carrying large plastic bags filled with cans of beer and soft drinks and head to the markets to sell them, gangs of workers are waiting in front of the buildings to which appears foreman.
  • Those who have come to run jump on the curb waiting for it to change traffic lights.
  • There are police in the cafes facing defaults of bagels.
    • Children, parents and babysitters, wheeled and walk, are routed in all possible directions to schools in the neighborhood.
    • Half of the children seem to move in the new trendy scooters, so the list of hazards to be alert is added a possible ambush by rolling aluminium.
    • One of the occupants of the banks turned and looked in my direction. Then

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English