
Rédigé par Ignacio777 - English


    • CHAPTER 1 The kids were silent immediately, and began to crawl towards those masses of bright colours, toward those bright and cheerful forms that appeared on the white pages.
    • When they were already approaching, the Sun paled a moment, eclipsing behind a cloud.
  • Roses llamearon, as to an inner passion pulses; a new and profound meaning seemed to sprout from the glossy pages of the books.
    • Rows of kids that crawling became small squeals of excitement, chirping and purring with pleasure.
    • It was a cloudy day as almost every Tuesday.
  • My father had curiously left the beard.
    • He believed that in this way it hidden death.
    • That surprised me to it was, I knew their small fears.
    • It was a little more canosa hair from his head and it enhanced her clear eyes, I noticed older, but wiser.
  • Maybe it was a mixture of various things.
  • He was obsessed with the meat and the dead.
    • Had enough and sixty years, was light and spacious back, looked like a professional rugby player.
  • Shoulders protruding you as the back, also the eyes.
    • I knew he had invested huge amounts of money on all that magical operation and entropy was sealed on his forehead a Linotype difficult to remove, this initiative of freezing, created eternity, and that the release was a gesture of courtesy that allowed him to maintain the necessary contact with its network of companies, agencies, oligopolies from a well or do not know that you full of frozen water.
    • He handed me a device that should inject him easily a chip in the right hand.
  • It could not get: that was the order.
    • Order that I not went.
  • I hid in my own fears and my attention went to the most flammable places.
    • The field, in several miles around, became gray necropolis of both marble dust, dust that was breathtaking and the spectra of the false Athenian monuments that rose for the Republic as a whole. Always. Everywhere.
    • Money made its way to well provided portfolios of stocks with a more intricate than any Genealogy route: what was that people away from the city, was transformed into timber lands that were invading the green surroundings, and logging product was intended for the production of paper - toilet paper, shares, newspapers-: a means for shit the money and the word.
    • On the wall, in a showy dark bronze installation, burning a gas burner whose flame laminar sings softly, adjusted to what the scientists of the last century designated as «sensitive flame»: invisible at the base, to emerge from its hole, vanishes then vertically in a soft blue light hovering several inches up: a small Dim light cone capable of responding to the milder changes of pressure of the air in the room.
    • It records the entry of visitors entering and leaving, all curious and polite, as if the round table will celebrate any game of chance.
    • The circle of assistants session there is nothing to distract him or out of the way.
    • Here, there is nothing bright trumpets and white hands.
    • -General, you cannot support this - I said before so much madness on the part of my dad.
  • -We monitor it throughout the day.
  • I am sure that does not abandon the place physically.
  • -Then you have an accomplice.
  • -Hitler makes it.
    • -Hitler is an inspired man. Who is Hitler?
    • -So we call him the monitoring.