
ADJUVA AD EMEDANDUM NUNC!qualiter corripiantur

Scriptum ab fb_1486118406 - English

  • Essay - Writing practice

    • A person’s worth nowadays seems to be judged according to social status and material possessions.
    • Old-fashioned values, such as honour, kindness and trust, no longer seem important.
    • To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
    • “A person’s worth seems to be judged according to social status and material possessions” means that the personal power and career are the main values of our society.
    • Our society would be only oriented to personal interest.
    • “Honour, kindness and trust “ are empathic values, oriented to the other people, to a common wellness, and there would not be valuable nowadays.
    • This question is finally ideological: Is personal interest governing our society’s organization?
    • And are we living in an egoistic society?
    • A man is a wolf to man, really ?
    • This question isn’t new and represents two opposites visions of society: liberty vs. common life.
    • Therefore these values are opposites, there are absolutely compatible in a constant balance.
  • Effectively, individualism and capitalism tend to erase empathic values.
    • But these truly exist in our world.
    • Firstly, we must remind the American reaction of solidarity to Arabian immigrates, after the Trump’s decision of forbidding them access to USA, European associations those rescues refugees in Mediterranean Sea, and anonymous heroes whose save life every day in Syrian hospitals.
  • We can find some of these examples every day.
    • But these are isolated, diffused, and sometimes invisible.
    • In addition, many of the recent researches in various domains like economy, sociology, philosophy and town-planning demonstrate that individual interests are compatible to the common life.
    • Facing economic, social and ecological crisis, this foothold of a new society organization paradigm should be necessary.
    • A recent study shows us that only 1 % of the richest people holds more wealth than the remaining 99 % of the world.
    • This proportion brings to light a structural problem of ours societies.
    • The rich becomes richer, and the poor poorer.
    • Reconsidering our society organization with empathic values, oriented by respect, human dignity and solidarity, can permit to solve a part of the structural inequality.
    • To conclude, I don’t think that only personal interest are governing our society, but empathic individual values have not enough echoes in our everyday life.
    • And the politic institutions through different democratic mediums, considering equality, redistribution and respect of human dignity, should underline these empathic values, which can build a world with more solidarity and ethics and less inequalities.