
Tekst fra IrinaSablina - English

    • Subtitles VS Dubbing – What Is The Best Option?

    • In recent years people watch more movies from overseas.
  • The principal reason for the popularity of foreign made films is the globalization of culture in the internet age.
    • Now young people grow up with easy access to an international culture and so when they go to the cinema.
    • So people are divided into those who prefer foreign films in their original language, with subtitles and those who love foreign films dubbed.
    • What Is The Best Option?
  • On the one hand subtitling has many advantages.
  • It allows for an extremely accurate translation and understands quirks of the original language that play a role in the plot.
    • And you to hear the film as it was intended.
  • In addition, it's much less expensive than creating a new Automated Dialogue Recording and dodges Lip Lock.
    • On the other hand dubbing a program means that the audience doesn't have to read the dialogue while watching.
    • However, if a film becomes dubbed into another language then it could be less authentic and part of the film’s artistic value is lost.
    • The quality of the actor or actress’ performance may not be conveyed in the same way, as it is down to the interpretation of emotional, comical or dramatic scenes.
  • Also dubbing is comparatively more expensive as voice-over actors have to be hired.
    • Although it could be argued that dubbed film reach more people: children, dyslexics, the blind, those who cannot read and those with poor vision.
    • Summing up, it must be said that although technology has made the life easier it should not define the quality of our lives.
  • There is no right or wrong answer to how we should watch foreign films.
    • Both options are great. it depends on the situation, on your preferences, even on your mood.
    • But in the both options you must beware of bad translations!
    • You can always find an unreliable version or worst, misinterpret – jokes, puns, or even simple sentences