
Text from ajulyav - English

  • Dorothea Dix

    • Dorothea Dix was born in a tiny village, but as she was an avid reader and faster learner. she was taken to Boston by her grandmother to continue her education there.
    • At the age of nineteen she established the School for Girls there.
    • Since there was no lack of students and the school provided a good source of income, she was able to took her brother to Boston too.
  • Also, this time she wrote some books for children, which were one of the first ones.
    • But then things changed and she was forced to close the school, because of her condition of health.
  • Several years later, when she came to England after recovering in Italy, she met Samuel Tuke, who influenced her viewpoints on life.
  • It was Samuel Tuke, who told her about various methods for taking care of the mentally ill.
    • When she worked a teacher at prisons in the USA, she was shocked to see those conditions in which mentally ills were housed.
  • Their cells were filthy, miserable and brutal.
    • She arose concern for the problem of housing mentally ills, that afterwards led to passing laws to improve conditions.
    • When WW2 broke out, she was about 60, but she also helped people.
  • At first, it was not accustomed to female nurses, but Dorothea Dix convinced that women could perform this work acceptably.
    • After the war, Dorothea Dix resumed to her life’s work.
    • She proposed to federal government to use the income from public land to help houses for mentally ill people.
    • Dorothea Dix was a person who truly turned people’s attention to the problem of mentally illness.