
brainfruit (으)로 부터 도착한메세지 - English

    • A description of the parts of trees.

  • A tree consists of roots, a trunk and a crown.
    • The crown itself consists of many branches, bigger and smaller one.
  • The biggest branches are connected to the trunk.
    • They split into smaller branches, which again split into small ones.
    • Finally the leafs grow out of the smallest branches.
    • You find a very similar structure by the roots.
    • They grow from the trunk into the soil and have the purpose to anchor the tree in the ground and also for gathering water and nutrients from the soil.
    • The master roots are connected directly the the trunk and parts of this roots are still above the soil.
    • They split up into smaller ones and you get a structure that is in some kind similar to the structure of blood vessels.

각 문장을 수정해주세요! - English