
Мәтін алынған ... - English

    • Quality of product and services

  • In business and marketing products marketed by a company may be classified broadly as goods and services.
  • The quality of goods is generally defined in terms of the physical characteristics of the product or the goods marketed.
  • Companies guarantee the quality of the product by providing free repair warranty.
  • However, it is not possible to define quality of services in terms of physical characteristics alone.
  • Quality of service is judged by the customers on many different dimensions in addition to the physical characteristics associated with the service.
  • There are five aspects or dimensions of service which are found to be very important in determining customer perception of service quality.
  • These are: Reliability: The extent to which the service performed matches implicit or explicit promises made by the service provider regarding the nature of service.
  • Responsiveness: The willingness to help the customer promptly in case of special and unforeseen requirements.
  • Assurance: The extent to which the service provider and the staff is able to inspire trust and confidence Empathy: This is being able to understand the needs of the customer as an individual and meet the special requirements of the customer.
  • Tangibles: This refers to the physical characteristics of facilities, equipment and consumable goods.
  • The company are actively working with the claims of customers.
  • It costs much less to keep an existing customer than to win a new customer, so retaining existing customers is more profitable for business.

Әр сөйлемді дұрыстауға көмектесіңізші - English