
Texto de netomarcus - English

  • The reasons to study history

    • It's a common speech of a few people that there is no need to study the past; that history classes are useless or that you do not need to know about the past to perform well in the present.
    • I do not believe in such speech.
    • Knowing the past is the most important tool to understand the present and modified it.
    • Ignorance is only good to powerful people.
    • To demonstrate, let is think about bigotry.
    • Irrational prejudices usually has its origin in history.
    • White people mistreat black people because they are repeating what they saw their parents do, who in turn, learned it from their own parents and go on, back to the slavery time.
    • It is the same with homophobia, xenophobia or any bigotry behavior.
    • If people know the historical reasons of their prejudices, they are more likely to fight against them.
    • Someone who knows the history of the religions can understand the reasons why homosexuality was not allowed in the past, but in the contemporary world there is no need to perpetuate the specie on the same rate that we used to.
    • Furthermore, elites control people telling stories, making people believing in their myths.
    • Any presidential campaign is based on make of the candidate a myth; likewise the kings made themselves in medieval times.
    • The technology changed, however the powerful still using the same strategies to dominate and spoil people.
    • Thus, understanding the past and the origin of the social dynamic can be used in order to achieve the common good.
    • Education and knowledge are the most efficient tools to change the world, because they change people, therefore people change their behavior and educate more people.
    • Alienate people of information is one of the guns used by elites and it is a vulnerable spot, because everyone who knows something can spread their knowledge.
    • People aware of the past are more willing to change the future.
    • People who say that know the past is not important, only want the things to stay the way they are.
  • Education and knowledge are the most efficient tools to change the world, because they change people, therefore people change their behavior and educate more people.
  • Alienate people of information is one of the guns used by elites and it is a vulnerable spot, because everyone who knows something can spread their knowledge.
  • People aware of the past are more willing to change the future.
  • People who says that know the past is not important, only want the things to stay the way they are.