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  • About complexity of programs

  • Big O(*)… What does it mean?
    • A lot of programmers make good applications for PC, but not everyone know something about complexity of algorithms.
    • Big O notation tells you about CPU (time) usage, memory usage, disk usage and network usage in program.
  • Big O notation describes the asymptotic behavior of functions.
  • It tells you how fast a function grows or declines.
  • There are some simple operations (for example, one arithmetic operation, one assignment, one read).
    • These operations has constant complexity – O(const).
    • More interesting combinations of function can have logarithmic (O(log(N))), polylogarithmic (O(log(N)const)), linear (O(N)), polynomial (O(Nconst)) or exponential (O(constN)) complexity.
    • The complexity of algorithm is defined with complexity the most difficult element.
  • For example, cycle “While () ” has O(N) complexity.
    • If we past in program cycles “While ()” then our algorithm has O(N*M)notation.
    • Many programmers is using linear search in algorithms.
  • Doubtless, this method has linear complexity.
    • But there is binary search.
    • The key idea of binary search is to inspect a middle element and to compare it with the search argument key.
    • This method has logarithmic complexity O(log(N)).
  • It can save resources of computer.
    • It is a well-known fact that good program shouldn’t be resource-intensive.
    • If programmer knows features of using different functions, he can make really good programs.
    • Knowledge about complexity of algorithms helps everybody become expert.

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