
text de la - English

    • Do you know islam

    • Islam is a religion of love and peace means surrender and submission to God and one tendril everything knows everything sent all the prophets and apostles for guiding us and stamped the Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him anguish miracle of the Koran Are learned is clear proof of that Victar discoveries have been discovered in the present era and after review has found in the Koran, such as: Osq Koran stages of fetal development, and this is what the newly discovered: قال الله تعالى: {وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الإِنسَانَ مِنْ سُلالَةٍ مِنْ طِينٍ * ثُمَّ جَعَلْنَاهُ نُطْفَةً فِي قَرَارٍ مَكِينٍ * ثُمَّ خَلَقْنَا النُّطْفَةَ عَلَقَةً فَخَلَقْنَا الْعَلَقَةَ مُضْغَةً فَخَلَقْنَا الْمُضْغَةَ عِظَامًا فَكَسَوْنَا الْعِظَامَ لَحْمًا ثُمَّ أَنشَأْنَاهُ خَلْقًا آخَرَ فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ} المؤمنون12-14

Vă rog, ajutaţi la corectarea fiecărei propoziţii! - English

  • Title
  • propoziție 1
    • Islam is a religion of love and peace means surrender and submission to God and one tendril everything knows everything sent all the prophets and apostles for guiding us and stamped the Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him anguish miracle of the Koran Are learned is clear proof of that Victar discoveries have been discovered in the present era and after review has found in the Koran, such as: Osq Koran stages of fetal development, and this is what the newly discovered: قال الله تعالى: {وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الإِنسَانَ مِنْ سُلالَةٍ مِنْ طِينٍ * ثُمَّ جَعَلْنَاهُ نُطْفَةً فِي قَرَارٍ مَكِينٍ * ثُمَّ خَلَقْنَا النُّطْفَةَ عَلَقَةً فَخَلَقْنَا الْعَلَقَةَ مُضْغَةً فَخَلَقْنَا الْمُضْغَةَ عِظَامًا فَكَسَوْنَا الْعِظَامَ لَحْمًا ثُمَّ أَنشَأْنَاهُ خَلْقًا آخَرَ فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ} المؤمنون12-14
      Votează acum!

    • Islam is athe religion of love and peace which means surrender and submission to God and o. One tendril everything knows everything sent all the pProphets and apostles for guiding us and stamped the Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him anguish miracle of the Koran Are learned is clear proof of that Victar discoveries have been discovered in the present era and after review has found in the Koran, such as:¶
      Osq Koran stages of fetal development, and this is what the newly discovered:¶
      قال الله تعالى: {وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الإِنسَانَ مِنْ سُلالَةٍ مِنْ طِينٍ * ثُمَّ جَعَلْنَاهُ نُطْفَةً فِي قَرَارٍ مَكِينٍ * ثُمَّ خَلَقْنَا النُّطْفَةَ عَلَقَةً فَخَلَقْنَا الْعَلَقَةَ مُضْغَةً فَخَلَقْنَا الْمُضْغَةَ عِظَامًا فَكَسَوْنَا الْعِظَامَ لَحْمًا ثُمَّ أَنشَأْنَاهُ خَلْقًا آخَرَ فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ} المؤمنون12-14¶

    • ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 1ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 1