
Juliya1235 (으)로 부터 도착한메세지 - English

  • Virtual Internet communication

  • Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills Have you ever wondered how much time we waste on the virtual Internet communication?
    • It is common knowledge that social networks take a several hours everyday.
    • Modern people connect with others in the Internet more than talk face to face.
    • I think that social networks communication can destroy real life.
  • You would probably agree with me that the young people don't have a culture of speech.
    • To express opinion verbally is difficult task for contemporary human.
    • The talking of the current generation is incoherent, unattractive and meaningless.
  • I am convinced that the Internet may be a reason for family quarrels.
    • Nowadays many teenagers spend a plenty of time using a computer and a social netwoking sites.
    • They cease to contact with thei parents.
  • The teenagers start to avoid speaking with their relatives.
    • The result is mutal incomprehension between parents and children, It seems to me that the Internet fellowship start to replace real-life association.
    • Some people may confyse a virtual life and the real world.
    • Some opponents mighf argue that social networks is useful invention,.
    • For example, people living in different parts oc the world can speak with the Internet.
    • With computer people can receive self-education.
  • That means contemporary men are able to develop their social skills.
    • To a certain extent, it is right, but isn't there occurrences madness of men for full submersion in the virtual world.
    • Taking everything into account, I want to tell that measure of everything is very important.
  • You can use the social networks for communication with people, who live in another countries.
    • But you must distinguish virtual and real life.
    • The Internet must not take all your time

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