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    • Check my review of the play "Romeo and Juilet" by Shakespeare

    • I have recently read the play "Romeo and Juilet" which was written by the famous writer of the sixteenth century William Shakespeare.
    • This tradegy is known all over the world The plot is rather breathtaking.
    • From the beginning it becomes clear that Romeo and Juilet have difficult times: they cannot love each other openly because their families have hated each other for ages.
    • Juilet's brother murders Romeo's friend.
  • Romeo, being very resentful, kills him.
  • It is decided that Romeo must leave the town.
    • Juilet is desperate as she does not want Paris to be her husband though her parents really do.
  • Frair Laurence gives her a sleeping potion.
    • According to his plan, Juilet will be considered dead and put in a tomb.
    • Romeo will get an opportunity to take her and flee the town.
    • However, he does not know about his plan and kills himself when he sees Juilet who looks dead.
    • When Juilet ragains senses,she kills herself as she cannot get over Romeo's death.
    • Main characters of the play are very much alike in their readinesss to struggle for their happiness.
  • They are really devoted to each other.
  • Love makes them both mature and responsible for their future.
  • I would recommend to read this play.
  • You will surely enjoy its wonderful language and learn how pure love can be.

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