
Text from elenagil - English

    • Informal letter

  • Dear Mark: Thanks a lot for the last letter.
    • It was great to hear frow you.
    • I arrived to London two weeks ago.
    • The first days I was so confused to the point of thinking it would be impossible to me to get used to living in a big city.
    • Now all these worries have disappeared .
    • I’ve started to adapte to this new life style and I so proud of me for having the courage to move to the capital.
  • The guys with whom I share the apartment are very kind.
    • They have helped me a lot, making me feel like at home.
    • London is a fantastic city, so dynamic and full of cultural activity.
    • The other day for example, I visited the British Museum.
    • You know how much I love archaeology so you could imagine how exciting this experience was.
    • However, even if I’ve started to feel comfortable in this big city, I miss the peace of the rural life.
  • For this reason, when I received your last letter inviting me to your farm I couldn’t feel more grateful.
    • It will be great to pass some days with you this summer! Write me ASAP.
    • All the best Julia