
Texto de EllisivRenn - English

  • Tale about London.

    • I want to tell you about the one of greatest capital in the world.
  • London is the capital of Great Britain.
    • It's political, economic and cultural center.
  • Its population is more than 11 million people.
    • A lot of tourists visit London every year and fifty 50% of the visitors areforeigners.
    • People want ti visit London because of different reasons.
  • First of all because they want to practice their English.
  • Secondly people want to know more about the traditions, history and culture of England.
    • In other words they want to visit the famous and popular sights, for example Tower Bridge, Trafalgar square, the Houses of Parlament, Big Ben and different amazing museum.
    • But on the other side such big city have negatuve points.
    • Londin is crowded noisr and nuisance.
  • As a result the residents are being driven out.
    • Unfotunately Londin have a lit of prodlems, for example littering, crime, air and noise pollution, and transport problems.
    • In conclusion, even large cities have negative side and if the goverment wants to make the London comfortable for tourists and residents requires intagrated approach in polising, transport and culture. Thank you :)

Por favor, ajude à corrigir cada sentença! - English