
Text von CarinaMabel - English

  • Science Fiction Genre

  • Hello everyone.
    • I choose George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) as an example of Science Fiction.
    • It was published in 1949 and it describes a society in which every individual is monitored ceaselessly by means of the telescreen (a terrifying thought).
    • Even when some of the technology described in this novel as indeed been created by now, we know for sure (don’t we?) that the world envisioned by Orwell in 1984 did not materialized.
  • Therefore it remains a Dystopian Science Fiction novel.
    • Another great book of this author is Animal Farm.
    • The genre of this book would be: Fantasy, because some of the characters are talking animal.
  • It also describes a dystopian world and there’s a satiric element in the story.
    • Others book of Science Fiction that also describe a dystopian society are: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.
    • The Space Merchants by Frederik Pohl y Cyril M.Kornbluth, and Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley which have probably my favourite ending to a book. Regards.

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