
Texto de EDMOLHE - English

  • Friendship and family

    • Friends are people who do not have a blood relationship with us but we feel confidence enough for sharing very private things, that even our family will never know it, because of we identify ourselves with them for having the same age or sharing the same places (Universities, work, …) I think that friendship is just as important as family due to different ages with our relatives makes we are supported for people who are passing or passed the same situations too.
    • Relationship with relatives is different because of family generally are composed for elder people and they advise us based on past experiences, which are important too, but for the change of generations were possibly leaded in a different form.
    • For that reason friendship and family are a complement for supporting and sharing moments and preferences, in case of people don’t have family, their support is offered only for friends and that carry out emotional disorders and dysfunctional families.


  • Título
  • Oración 1
    • Friends are people who do not have a blood relationship with us but we feel confidence enough for sharing very private things, that even our family will never know it, because of we identify ourselves with them for having the same age or sharing the same places (Universities, work, …) I think that friendship is just as important as family due to different ages with our relatives makes we are supported for people who are passing or passed the same situations too.
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    • Friends are people who do not have a blood relationship with us but we feel confidencet enough for sharing very private things, that even our family will never know it, because of we identify ourselves with them for having the same age or sharing the same places (Universities, work, …). ¶¶I think that friendship is just as important as family due to different ages with our relatives makes us feel that we are supported forby people who are passing or have passed the same situations too.
    • ¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 1¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 1
  • Oración 2
    • Relationship with relatives is different because of family generally are composed for elder people and they advise us based on past experiences, which are important too, but for the change of generations were possibly leaded in a different form.
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    • Relationship with relatives is different because of family which generally are composed for elder people and they advise us based on their past experiences, which are important too, but for the change of generations were possibly leadeds in a different form.
    • ¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 2¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 2
  • Oración 3
    • For that reason friendship and family are a complement for supporting and sharing moments and preferences, in case of people don’t have family, their support is offered only for friends and that carry out emotional disorders and dysfunctional families.
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    • For that reason friendship and family are a complement for supporting and sharing moments and preferences, i. In case of people who don’t have family, t. Their support is offered only for friends and that carryies out emotional disorders and dysfunctional families. ¶
    • ¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 3¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 3