
Text from Shev4enko - English

    • If you have to deal with people in your work

    • If you have to deal with people in your work you need to be patient and love people.
    • I think that it's the most important qualities in this case.
    • Even more important than to be quick thinking.
    • Because even if you can't think on your feet well you will became a professional after a while.
    • You will definitely get confidence in yourself with your forthcoming experience.
    • Whereas, to love your neighbor is vital for some professions as a psychologist, a nurse, a teacher (it would be better to say "loving your neighbor", maybe?)...
  • Once, I read a blog of a doctor who hated his patients.
    • He described them with irony like very stupid creations always trying to harm themselves.
    • The heroes of these descriptions remained anonymous, but I could imagine how I would have been shocked if I have distinguished me or someone of my family there.