
Tekst fra NguyenHoang0406 - English

  • [NEED ADVICE] How should I start with my learning now?

  • I have been learning English myself for the past few years.
  • And by learning, I mean I've been mostly using English for my entertainment and I didn't really put much effort in it.
  • In short, my English is good just enough to read and understand the articles in different subjects (I go on Reddit very often so you might understand what I mean).
  • But it's NOT good enough for me to call myself fluent in English.
  • I didn't care one bit about the synonyms of some words, how to expand my vocabulary and bother to make my own routine.
  • I simply thought just by using English in my daily life is more than enough to be better at it.
  • But just a few weeks ago, I've realized that my English hasn't improved at all.
  • I kept using the same words/phrases over and over again up.
  • My listening skill is only at an average level .For example, I can UNDERSTAND all the Key & Peele skits but I can't hear ALL THE WORDS in it.
  • (You may think that's good enough but it's been like this for years so it's definitely not a good sign).
  • Therefore, I decided to start taking English seriously again.
  • I want to force myself out of my comfort zone and ACTIVELY expand my knowledge.
  • It's not like I want to abandon the "Just let it get absorbed naturally" style, I just want something more than that.
  • Just like in fitness, you must have a good routine to train efficiently and maximize your gain without overtraining yourself.
  • I'd like to have a routine like that but for language learning.
  • To summarize, what I want to ask you is: How did YOU create your own routine?
  • I know that it's better for me to make one for myself.
  • But I think knowing how your routine look like can help me get some basic ideas first. Thank you