
Text from chuong3009 - English

  • Sexual harassment

    • When i was a little boy, i was a victim of a sexual harassment.
    • It was a summer day when i was 12, i went to swimming pool alone like usual.
    • When i entered the locker room, a stranger followed me and got to the room.
    • I was surprised and asked him to leave because i was using the room.
    • But he hit me and pushed me into the corner.
  • It was at noon so nobody was there except us.
    • The stranger intimated and forced me to take off my clothes.
    • I was panicked and did what he said.
    • After that, he threatened me not to tell anyone and left me there.
    • I was extremely timorous and couldn't move or scream.
    • A week after that, i was in severe trauma and had to take depression treatment.
    • Fortunately, i fully recovered from the mental injury but i never forget that day, that disgusting pedophily and what he did to me.