
Текст од ray114115 - English

  • Why do you want to study abroad?

    • In my country, There is an old saying goes, "Only studying can make poor rich." I want to make me rich, not only in material but mental, so I decided to study abroad, which can makes me become a better person.
    • First of all, study abroad make me independent.
    • For instance, I need to cook by myself, which including prepare food, clean up the kitchen, and wash the dishes.
    • I can not just leave it alone.
  • Thus, I will become more independent.
    • If I study domestic, I can easily get help from other people.
    • moreover, to develop my global view is one of the reasons.
    • Take American for example, if I study in American, I can meet people who grow up in American culture.
    • They difinitely have different thought, behavior and habits with me.
    • That must be a fantasty experience to me.
  • It is one of the reasons why I want to study abroad.
  • Lastly and the most importantly, to develop my professional ability.
    • I had learned electric engineering in my country for seven years.
    • I think it will be wonderful to see how it works in other country, which would give me variety of ideas.
  • That is why I want to study abroad.