
Pesan dari Shev4enko - English

  • English Prepositions 1

    • One of the big problems with English language I have is how to use prepositions.
  • I found a pyramid which clearly show when we have to use prepositions "in", "on" and "at".
  • I'll try describing this pyramid with some examples.
    • The base of pyramid that is associated with something large contains the proposition "in".
    • We need to use "in" when we speak about extensive periods of time like centuries, decades, months, in the future.
  • Example: I am going to get married in the very near future (or in the third week of April).
  • We have some exceptions in that case like in the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon and also in five minutes.
    • In the middle of the pyramid we can see the proposition on which we use when speaking about the smaller periods of time.
  • Use it when you speak about days of week and dates.
    • On my birthday, on July 5th, on Friday.
  • However, be careful with "at night" and "at midnight".
  • American people also speak "on the weekend" whereas in UK they use another preposition with this word: "at the weekend".
    • At the bottom of the pyramid we can see "at" that is used for the smallest periods of time like hours and specific events.
    • Examples: at sunrise, at dinner, at 9:00, at the start of the party, at the moment.