
Text from Wejo - English

    • Check my opinion essay for the Narional Exam

  • Theme: Many people would prefer to work from home.
  • Some people claim that many of us tend to work remotely.
    • However, others suppose that this way of working is not to their taste.
    • So, who is right?
    • To my way of thinking, people will prefer working freelance to traditional going to work .
  • To begin with, it is very convenient as we will be able to shape our day ourselves.
    • Moreover. we will spend more time with our family members see their faces discuss their problems However, there is an opinion that working from home has only disadvantges.
    • Those of us, who think so, say that we will lose valuable social skills because computers and other gadgets tend to substitute communication with colleagues and clients.
  • I cannot agree with this point of view because in that case we will talk to our family members more often and devote more time to them.
    • Social and communication skills will not be lost anyway if there exist families and real people.
  • Taking everything into consideration, I must say that working from home will be chosen by more and more people despite of some fears.