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    • I'm new Here

    • Hello , My name is Lahcen, I am from Morocco, I just dicovered this website, then I 'am trying to use it in order to improuve my english skills, by meeting and contacting people who speak English well, by the way i am ready to teach french to everyone .

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  • Sætning 1
    • Hello , My name is Lahcen, I am from Morocco, I just dicovered this website, then I 'am trying to use it in order to improuve my english skills, by meeting and contacting people who speak English well, by the way i am ready to teach french to everyone .
      Stem nu!
    • Hello , My name is Lahcen,. I am from Morocco, I just discovered this website, t. Then I 'am trying to use it in order to improuve my eEnglish skills, by meeting and contacting people who speak English well, b. By the way iI am ready to teach fFrench to everyoneanyone who wants to learn it . ¶
    • Hello ,. My name is Lahcen, and I am from Morocco,. I have just discovered this website, thenand now I 'am trying to use it in order to improuve my english skills,skills in English by meeting and contacting people who speak English well, b. By the way i, I am ready to teach fFrench to everyone . ¶anyone.
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