
Text from Adrian_200 - English

  • Fridge

    • Fridge with freezer is one of the most important and useful invention in a human history.
    • Before it was invented, there was a problem with foods storage.
    • People couldn't hoard food because there was fast spoiling.
    • They tried a lot of methods but without effects.
    • They tried freezing too big pieces of meats or they used to use too big temperature and food spoiled.
    • Carl von Linde who was German engineer is considered as refrigerator inventor.
    • He made it because, he needed cool beer down by summer.
  • Fridge with freezer was invented only in 1939.
    • Electrolux was first company started series production for average prople.
    • There's necessary device in every house.
    • You can survive without TV set or even Internet but without fridge not.
    • You can buy a lot of products in shop only because of freezing their during a transport and then keep it in a shop.
    • It is certain that fresh food is the most tasty but you're not able to always eat recently produced or harvested food.
    • Additionally nowodays food contains substances prolongation expiry date what wasn't discover in old days.