
نص من - English

    • Apologize for absence

    • ( I am expected to start on November 15, but I will not be available on that date.) Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to apologize about my absence on my first day at work.
  • I have found myself in this unpleasant situation for a reason.
    • My wife had a bad accident when she was driving to home yesterday.
    • She is not in stable situation now and she need my help.
    • I should be with her in these moments.
    • I had been expected to start my new job on November 15, but because of this terrible accident I am not able to do that unfortunately.
    • I understand that you need me and deeply apologize for inconvenience.
    • I suggested to take one of my amount vacation day.
    • I am trying to go back to work as soon as possible and do my works.
    • Please do not dismissal me.
  • I promise that it will never happen again.
  • I look forward to hear from you.
  • Yours faithfully, Mr. Arvin

رجاءً ساعدهم في تصحيح كل جملة - English