
Text from titune - English

    • How to teach each other at Polyglotclub?

  • Hi!
    • My name is Tati, I’m from Russia, Moscow.
    • I work in Russian retail company OKEY, I’m editor of catalogue.
    • My searching was beginning 3 days ago, when I decided learn Spanish.
    • On a site with foreign languages learning marathon I found information about Polyglotclub.com.
    • I was skeptical, because I had experience with the same sites, where people didn’t want to learn and teach each other.
    • They just searched meeting without learning, tried to get relationships.
  • Unfortunately, this option was not for me.
    • I have been the third day on this site and had conversation with a lot of different people already.
    • Everybody is very friendly and talkative, but I have a question «How to teach other person, if you are not a teacher in real life?».
    • This is a big responsibility and you should have a plan of education.
  • Maybe this is not a big problem and not so hard.
    • I have a first experience in it and I would like to give correct and understandable information to other person.
  • My native language is so hard and I use Russian grammar with my intuition.
    • So I can’t explain Russian language in full.
    • If you have experience in teaching on this site, I would like to get it.
    • So I request to answer on my question «How do you teach other people your native language?» Thank you for reading and correcting. Tati :)