
laidah szövege - English

    • how I started and how it's ended

  • My journey in English language started in 2011.
    • Of coarse English leassons were part of my education in school and university but I was not motivated at all and after 15 years of "studying" knew nothing more then a simple "Hello, my name is...".
  • So in 2011 I got my first serious job.
    • It was quite big automotive plant outside the city and I spent about 3 hours every day in transport.
    • It was so boring that I decide to add something usefull to these rootine.
    • I've downloaded 2 series of "Big Bang Theory" and just watch it in the transport.
    • These series were thiout translation and even without subtitles.
    • Today I still remember each line and each word that Sheldon or Leonard said in these two episodes.
  • Next step was Star Wars: The Old Republic.
    • This game was entirely in English.
    • I choose it because Bioware was developer and I love this studio.
    • In this game it was - understand or suffer consecuonces.
    • For the 3 months my English skills raised to the level there I was able to speak with other people and be sure that they definetely understand me.
    • I've tried to upply my CV to the big automotive company where all managers are expatriots. And I succeed.
    • So next 4 years I was using my English every day in work and private conversations.
    • Now I'm working in Russian company and I miss English so much!
    • I spend literaly all my free time on the BuzzFeed channels or watching The Biggest Looser, The Project Runway and other TV shows.
    • I still can understand 95% by hearing but it's very hard for me to read because I had not so much practice.
  • And my writing skills are poor as you can see :)