
Текст од MORATA - English


  • I´m going to talk about the planet in danger.
    • Nowadays, there are a lot of things which are causing problems in our planet, such as industrial pollution, exhausting fumes from cars and lorries, destruction of rain forests, rubbish in the nature, wáter problems, endangered species threats to wildlife… A lot of people are not concerned enough with climate change, as a result, the world will probably become warmer.
    • Rising sea levels could be a consequence of that.
  • Other people are causing the death of animals close to extinction.
    • May be for financial gain.
  • However, there are associations like Green Peace that are trying to protect the world.
    • In spite of everything I´ve just said, there are other people who pick up rubbish from forests, using public transport, or they use to have recycling habits.
    • I want to take care of the planet so I have some daily habits.
    • I spend little water when I take a shower because I close the tap while I soap.
  • I do the same when I wash the dishes.
  • I always use recycled paper sheets in my job.
  • I store them in a box for recycling.
    • I use my shopping cart to not use too many plastic bags.
  • I avoid wasting resources.
    • Little by Little, I hope everybody help to save our planet.