
Text from Maria_gr - English

    • Taxi, plane, bike, ship, tram or train

  • • Shall I start?
    •  -yes • + I think the worst option is the plane because travel by plane it is usually very expensive and we don´t have enough money.
    •  -yes, you’re right.
    • And get in taxi is equally expensive.
    • So theses two we can discard. • +okay.
  • I think the bus could be a good option because it is cheaper and affordable.
    •  -I agree but it is also very boring and always takes long time.
    • • +you are right.
  • How about the train or the tram?
    •  -these look good option.
    • They both are cheaper and more comfortable than the bus.
  • But I think I prefer travelling by tram because it is faster.
  • • + Yes I like that, too.
  • Do you like travelling by ship?
    • I don´t like that because it always makes me feel dizzied and I almost always throw up.
  •  -Yes, I like the ship but it also makes me feel bad, too.
    • And finally, what about travelling on bike?
    • • I like it, because is cheap, and it help us to keep fit although it is very tiring and we would need long time.
    • So I think I prefer choosing the tram.
  • It could be the best option. Do you agree?
  •  Yes, I agree with you.
    • So, let´s go for that one