
نص من - English


    • Of course, I think that they should focus on this.
  • Now we are in a phase where the students are very active, so we need more amusing and didactic things.
    • Obviously they become bored fastly of the traditional subjects, let us say of old subjects.
  • Obviously because of this reason we have got less attention in the classroom.
    • I believe that this is a basic necessity in every school, because the kids become bored during the hours.
  • And the boredom can develop because the children can´t concentrate.
    • If the class is more amusing for the children, they will become involved being with curiosity, so they would be more interested in the classes.
    • Of course, I think that the classes should be more ludic, because the children and the young students learn very well with diversion.
    • Everything seems to me really interesting.
    • The learning shouldn´t be very weary but it should be more playful.
    • The workshop was excellent.
  • With simple things you can teach the kids music and the classes can be more amusing.
  • The workshop was excellent and let´s hope that maybe in the next opportunity you can help us continue with more workshops like that.
    • Thanks, Thanks a lot!
    • You have been excellent teachers, so amusing.
    • Your classes, at least for me, helped me a lot and I will never forget it.
    • Thanks a lot sharing your knowledge with us. Thanks a lot.
  • I would like to thank you for teaching us.
    • Hopefully it wasn´t the first and won´t be the last time.
  • I thank you a lot.
  • My dear friends, I hope you are going to continue your work like that.
    • You are really disciplined like you have been in the workshop, because this attitude is correct to work very well.
    • And in the same moment you are so amusing and happy, and you transmit us such a positive energy that every teacher needs.
    • Because of this I want to congratulate you and a big hug and a kiss for you!
    • I am person who participates a lot, so my way to collaborate would be to help with the organization like the logistics or I could invite the people.
    • And if you prepare me, I will prepare me, too.
    • In other words I am prepared to help, because I like it and I like the workshops.
  • And I like it more when they are like this, very funny and creative, so there can´t be any time where you become bored or tired.
  • Ok, how could we help?
  • First we should multiply it in the places where we are working.
    • We should motivate the children to love the music and to work on it.
  • They should learn by the music, because the music is something very good.
    • We haven´t got this culture here to learn music, to know the instruments, to apply it.
  • That is the reason why we have never worked on it.
    • But now I think, with everything what we´ve learned, there is a new initiative and we have a good vision: The kids should learn to love the arts and the music and apply it in their daily life so that they become more intelligent as they already are now.
  • For example we could collaborate in every fiscal school here.
  • So everything that we´ve learned here, we could teach it in the other schools.
    • So that the other teachers and educators could use the same methods.
  • I think to share it with our institutions and to offer you our help and the opportunity so that you can continue with this kind of workshops.
  • It´s difficult.
    • I think that all expectations were fulfilled.
    • Maybe there were too much people and the space was very narrow.
    • We had expected maybe 90 people, because here is a space for 90 people.
  • But in reality 120 to 130 people fitted in.
  • It surpassed every expectation of the audience´s assistance.
  • Firstly we, like teachers, should learn how to start with these activities to teach the kids later on because sometimes we come with gaps previously so that we can´t teach anything that we still don´t know.
    • It seems to me brilliant.
  • It seems like a valuable experience because we were able to include a lot of new ways to teach without getting complicated.

رجاءً ساعدهم في تصحيح كل جملة - English