
Tekst fra - English


    • Expectations in music Well, my expectations have been to want to know how can I use the music in the different areas which we – like teachers – have in our schools like language, mathematics or sciences.
    • So we can use it all for the children learning significantly.
    • My expectations of the workshop were low.
    • I asked me with what is dealing the workshop and I thought that they only are going to speak all the time.
    • But it has been very good because there were a lot of things that I hadn´t imagined.
  • There were a lot of activities what was the most important point for me.
    • There were a lot of activities to learn how we can work with the children and how we can use the materials that we have.
    • The dynamics – the dynamic how to support the children.
    • Because sometimes it is very difficult to motivate the children if we are talking about theoretical parts, but with music, with the musical parts and the dynamic parts, it becomes possible and they will like it.
    • The way of impacting us by our tutor.
    • Although she was talking in English, we were impacted by her art, by the movements, by her merry attitude that she has.
  • In the education, in the notes, in the families of instruments.
    • The most impacted thing in the workshop was to understand that in other countries the music education is important.
    • Recently we are beginning to understand that children need this type of stimulation, not only to be better in the subject music, but to be better in the other subjects.
  • The tutor´s domain, her aptitude.
    • She showed a bright knowledge, especially of the topics of the workshop.
  • And she did everything really dynamically.
    • She called my attention to these things.
    • And the truth is – I´m saying to you what was calling my attention too – that you never sat down, so many hours, 3 days long.
    • What a dynamic, what responsibility, what honesty given in knowledge. The teacher.
    • They are brilliant.
  • And I would like them to teach me music, some private lessons.

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