
Text from misangocle08022004 - English

    • Please correct my mistakes. Thank you very much.

    • Hello.
  • Today I went to Bo Ho to practice English.
    • The sky was blue and the wind blew.
  • There were many people there.
    • Most of them practiced exercise.
  • There were many people from other countries.
    • Some Vietnamese students went next to them and talked with them so I couldn't find any person to talk.
    • I met a family, they had 3 sons.
    • They are Dutch so they couldn't speak English.
    • I met a French girl.
    • She came there with her family and her sister talked with me a lot and she took me her facebook.
    • Then I met another French Girl.
    • She is 28 years old.
    • She came there alone for 3 weeks and her friends will come with her after 3 weeks later.
    • She didn't have facebook and she said maybe she is the only person in the world who doesn't have facebook.
    • She was tall and really pretty.
    • After that, the sky was dark and I went home.