
Text od dounia98 - English

    • My experience enjoyable in month a go

    • last month muslims fast this month called RAMADAN we fast and we dont eat or drink all day untill sunset My god talk in Quran and say about this month is the best in all the year this fast is healthy doctor's descovred that in last few years he save the sugar leval in blood and weight perfect but Our God say fasting without breakfast in all the year in dangerous Islam told about hygien ceturies about descovred for example prayer Suck some shipments this shipments if she still in our mind will causes deseases like AL'Zaheimer's the musilms dont force one to become muslim and we love peace we deont kill and we do not crimes our religion forbade kill our God say " there is no complusion in religion " we are not terrorisme :)


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    • last month muslims fast this month called RAMADAN we fast and we dont eat or drink all day untill sunset My god talk in Quran and say about this month is the best in all the year this fast is healthy doctor's descovred that in last few years he save the sugar leval in blood and weight perfect but Our God say fasting without breakfast in all the year in dangerous Islam told about hygien ceturies about descovred for example prayer Suck some shipments this shipments if she still in our mind will causes deseases like AL'Zaheimer's the musilms dont force one to become muslim and we love peace we deont kill and we do not crimes our religion forbade kill our God say " there is no complusion in religion " we are not terrorisme :)
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    • last month mMuslims fast this month called RAMADAN w. We fast and we dont eat or drink all day untill sunset ¶My god talk in Quran and say about this month is the best in allthroughout the year ¶t.¶This fast is healthy d. Doctor's deiscovered that in last few years ¶he save the sugar levael in blood and weight perfect but Our God say fasting without breakfast in all the year ins dangerous in¶Islam told about hygiene centuries about deiscovered ¶for example prayer Suck some shipments this shipments if she still in our mind will causes deiseases like AL'Zalzheimer's ¶the mMusilims dont force one to become mMuslim and we love peace we deont kill and we do not crimes ¶our religion forbade kill ¶our God say " there is no complulsion in religion " ¶we are not terrorismet :)
    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 1PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 1