
Сообщение от LOGIIIIIIIIIIIN - English

  • Urfin Juice and his wooden soldiers

  • Little shy humans named munchkins lived in a magic country.
    • Their height was as small as height of ordinary children in country where miracles don`t exist.
    • Master of their city called Blue city was an angry witch.
    • Her name was Gingrema the Grey .She lived in a dark cave that was scary.
    • No one wanted to stay near this cave for a long time but there was a strange man whose name was Urfin Juic.
  • He built his house not far from the cave.
    • Urfin Juic differed from other munchkins.
    • His parents died early and a carpenter taught him .He grew into a rude man .Urfin was a really good carpenter but because of his anger toys that he made were frightening and after children saw his toys they began to cry.
  • To be continued ...

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