
Текст од Lythrum - English

    • About past tenses - a short true story

    • Last Tuesday I went for my studies at a youth centre, because I should inquiry the children in there.
    • The children had a task to drew a picture about important things they love.
    • I met a girl with a headscarf and she was very friendly and her german is very well.
    • She was telling me about her family in chechnya, while she was drawing.
    • She told me about her live in chechnya and was reporting about her grandparents they were living in a big house in chechnya.
    • I'm found out that she was lived in Germany for one year and her sister died recently.
    • She sad that she was missing her live in chechnya.
    • As soon as my inquiry was finisched, I got the picture with her family and I'm impressed by this very brave little child.